Scott here, founder of Freedom Hill and the one pictured on the left. It was late 2004 then, I was 22 years old, less than 6 months out of boot camp and riding out a sandstorm on a shooting range in Kuwait before my unit rotated north to Iraq. I didn't know it then, but in less than 5 months I'd be medevaced to Germany then the east coast after being injured during an intense dusk attack on our base west of Baghdad. My physical wounds were minor and healed not long after, but like many of my brothers and sisters who've fought in America's longest wars, the mental stress of what I experienced created some difficulties transitioning back to civilian life.
My childhood friend Brian, pictured on the right, is somewhere in Afghanistan. It was around 2004 when he was with the Army's 10th Mountain Division. Brian and I played football shoulder to shoulder through high school.
When I moved back home after the service, I moved in with Brian and some other friends of ours. We spent many late nights talking about what we had gone through during our deployments. Conversations about the chaos of combat, losing friends, maimed enemies, asking ourselves if we could only go back and do things differently. We had completely different experiences, but shared many of the same challenges coming home. After our lease was up, I moved out of state and Brian was there to help me like he always was. We drove cross country together in my pickup towing everything I owned in a small U-Haul trailer behind us. He helped me unpack for a couple days and I dropped him off to catch the Amtrak train home. Brian and I saw and talked to each other less and less as the years stretched on, but we kept in touch as well as we could.
On an early February morning in 2013, I got a call from an old mutual friend that I'll never forget. It was the worst phone call I've ever received. Brian had taken his own life the night before. Alone, without reaching out to anyone for help. He was gone. There was nothing I could do to bring him back or tell him how much he meant to me and everyone else in his life. Not a day goes by I don't think of him. I miss Brian but I am also proud of him. Proud of who he was and proud of his service to our country...
In the years after losing Brian I was able to finish college using the GI Bill. I studied business and learned about some great companies out there that use business to make a difference. When I asked myself what I wanted to do if I could do anything with my life, I knew it was help as many other Veterans like Brian as I could. His story is tragically all too common amongst Veterans and our First Responders who endure so much on our behalf. There are incredible organizations out there helping Veterans and our First Responders manage Post traumatic Stress and build fulfilling lives, but they need our help. That's why with every purchase you make, we give back to organizations supporting Veteran and First Responder mental health, wellness and camaraderie after service. When we say, "Your support is making a difference and saving lives." We mean it.
At Freedom Hill, we dedicate our work every day in honor of all our Veterans we have lost to combat and the war within, and to the active military and first responders that live a life of selfless service today. We honor their legacies of service and friendship and are proud to share a message of healing for all our warriors that are out there struggling in silence.
Every order, big or small helps us fulfill our goal of getting as many Coffee Missions out as possible. These are specially curated care packages filled with our coffee, mental health resources and extra special touches to let them know they are appreciated and always remembered.
Our Coffee Club Subscriptions are the best way to sustain our purpose of giving back. Please consider starting your day with Freedom Hill Coffee at your home or office and help us spread our message while treating yourself to the best coffee out there.
Thanks for supporting America's Heroes, thanks for sharing our story.
Whether you're an everyday coffee drinker, just enjoy a cup on the weekends or simply like giving someone a gift with meaning and purpose, we have something for you.